Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Another Rescue!

Meet Toby.  Toby was supposed to be a TNR yesterday from Melville Street #2 spot.  But after posting how sweet he was, and that he would have to be returned, a kind girl named Valerie stepped up and said, I'll come get him.  He was neutered, combo tested, dewormed, defleaed, and vaccinated, and is now a highly adoptable sweet and gentle kitty in a wonderful foster home.  Thanks to Kim and Carol and Gaye for offering to take him temporarily as well.  I mentioned to them that its people like them that can save the world!

To be honest, I hadn't planned on it.  I have had to return many sweet kitties to the streets when no one is around to foster them.  But I tell them that they need to be strong, hold tight because I would find a way to rescue them someday.  There is a cat on Seventh Street that has long haunted me.  He is a very sweet little boy and reminds me so much of a kitten I had rescued and adopted out a few years back, Posie.  This cat on Seventh looks just like Posie but as an adult.  And has a sweet personality as well, for a cat being on the street so long.  This boy just doesn't deserve to be out in this world living day by day in a wooden hut.  I pray someone comes along and wants to take him on. 

Here is Posie as a little kitten!

Just picture Posie as an adult.  That's what this boy on Seventh Street looks like. 

I wanted to share my typical morning with you, but I ran out of time and have to get to work.  I fed so many cats today.  I must have pulled over four times to feed a cat randomly as I drove past them.  I would stop, back up, pull over, and call for them.  They were hungry, I fed them a meal and some water.  After all, not many of us can say we know what its like to be hungry and not eat for a day, maybe longer. 

Please, put a bowl of water out at least.  This heat is so hard on all animals.  Last week I sat at an outdoor area at a local restaurant with a friend and it was God awful hot out.  We saw birds with their mouth open and tongues hanging out!~  We immediately went inside the establishment and asked for a bowl of water, and set it out for the birds.  What do these city birds do when there is no water?  It must be hard on them.  I know it seems like a silly thing to do, but these animals need it!  Just like humans!  Just like all species need water.  So please, put a bowl of water out for them, if you don't have a birdbath.

Thank you, and have a great day!

"He who feeds a hungry animal
feeds his own soul."


  1. 79 yr old Nancy Segula has been fined $2,000 and sentenced to jail for feeding cats her neighbor left behind. If you think this is wrong, would you sign this petition?


  2. Cut and paste to search engine:

