Friday, September 6, 2019


Red from Goodman Street was rescued and brought into the clinic for vetting yesterday morning.  Turns out he had already been neutered, but he was brought up to date on his shots, dewormed, deflead, and combo tested.  He is now good to go.  His foster Mom Janessa came to pick him up last night, and let me tell you, he couldn't be in better hands.  This is one sweet girl - she lives 50+ miles away and works on a farm.  She is also a foster failure when she adopted a cat she was fostering for me last year.  My memory fails me.  Ugh.  Today, she reports: 

(I had asked her to think of a name for him... ) "How about Samwise Gamgee? Frodo's best friend off Lord of the Rings. He seems like Sammy 🙂

I know you're in bed, but wanted you to know he's doing well tonight. He's exploring the bedroom, wolfed down some canned food and is smelling my cats under the door. We'll work on better pictures tomorrow.

Caught him mid yawn:"

So hello SAMMY!

And in regard to the other kitty that was trapped with a drop trap yesterday morning - he was part of the Third and Central colony that I have been feeding for many years now...  A few weeks ago Saturday Sheryl noticed his mouth and a very large red tumor coming out of it.  I asked a great drop trapper to help me  because my attempts to trap him with a hav-a-hart trap were failing.  We got him, brought to clinic, and later in the afternoon the vet called me with the news.  Here is that update:

"I wanted to update all of you that cared about this kitty:  The vet called me to tell me that the cat was very emaciated even though he didn’t appear until she was able to handle him when sedated.  The tumor was actually so invasive it was growing through his sinuses and nasal passages.  She said she could attempt to remove, but he most likely hemorrhage.   She said it must be very aggressive seeing that it grew so fast (he is from a colony I’ve cared for for a few years now) and was most likely malignant.  She said that in all her years, she has only recommended just a handful to euthanize, but that this was one she would.  So the little baby flew to heaven today.  His girlfriend Spot will be very lonely without her boy. "

We had named him Satchmo.  Another sad day out there, but without the sadness, we couldn't have the happiness in rescue.  They go hand in hand.  Just think if no one did anything.  Way too much suffering. 

All rescues need help, me especially.  I can't continue without support via financial donations, food donations, etc.  I'mn still spending $150 a week on cat food - I'm just not getting the donations I used to.   I need fundraisers to happen, and they will.  We are hoping to have another online auction this year, and a Meow and Chow in the spring of next year. 

My needs now are: 

  • Straw (please, not a whole bale, but large bags of it would be great)
  • Paper bowls (not the real little kind)
  • 2-gallon zip loc baggies

I don't need:

  • Paper plates
  • towels

Thanks for all your support this year everybody! 
See you at West Elm tomorrow for some kitten loving!  Serious inquiries only.  😍

"When you can't find the sunshine,
be the sunshine."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the poor little boy with the tumor. :( I'm so glad you captured him because it would have been so much worse for him to die on the streets of starvation. Is Red the same Red that you have written about before? I think there was a Red that you neutered and then had to return to the streets because you had no foster who could take him?
