Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Bean News

This weekend we had an event at West Elm featuring Eloise, Tallulah, Lex, Marbles, Tom, Jerry, Smudge, Roscoe and Finn.  All kittens.  Eloise and Lex were adopted, and so is Tallulah.  Tallulah will join Petunia, now named Summer, the mother cat I had early this year, with six kittens.   Eloise and Lex will join their canine brother.  These events are great, lots of foot traffic, and lots of oohs and aahs.  Dangerous for me because I want to buy everything at the store.

Keiko is the newest member of our little group.  Keiko comes from 8th Street and was part of a trapping of kittens done by a very kind hearted woman.  She asked if we would take the most social of the kittens.  So Foster Mom Sue has her.

I received some very sad news last night.  One of Goldilock’s kittens, Tater, has passed.  We believe he had some sort of esophageal issue as a birth defect.  Foster Mom Kristin was exhausted when telling me this last night, and said it was a long story, which someday I hope to hear, but He was fine the first four weeks until he began weaning.  He was slowly suffocating, and Dr. Parsons said the most humane thing that could be done was let him go.  Kristin and her husband had the horrible task of doing this.  The most heartbreaking of this whole ordeal for Kristin was, I am almost positive, letting his soon-to-be adoptive family know.  The father was left with the task of letting his little girl know, who fell in love with Tater and was so excited to have him join their family.   There are just so many heartbreaking things about rescue.  But as I’ve said, if we didn’t  have the sadness, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the joys.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this, but Muffin was returned to me a few weeks back.  The woman that finally adopted him, and whom Muffin trusted – he was very shy – had to give him up due to some circumstances – of which I really don’t fully know.  Foster Max offered to foster him.  He was brought back on a Friday, nearly two weeks ago, and decided to bolt into the basement where he took up residence in the rafters.  After many attempts to get him, he was finally rescued a week later, only to be placed in a room where he was able to move the floor grate and get into the HVAC.  He’s been in there since.  There is a trap set up outside the grate, and we know he can get out because Max put flour around the grate to see if he could come out, and now its just a waiting game.  I am extremely upset about this, as I am sure Max is.  Its been a disruption on his life, where he actually asked me to find Muffin a new foster home.  This poor cat has been through so much.  Please say a prayer for him.

New rescue!  Meet _____________________  I still don’t have a name for him.  He comes from Melville Street, and thanks to Foster Mom Gaye, he will hopefully be vetted today, and acclimate to being indoors forever.  I picked him because he is a quiet little kitty that others sort of pushed him around, and I knew he didn’t belong out there. I knew he couldn’t survive.

Tomorrow, recap of who we have left, and who we need to get adopted!  And coming soon……………..  what its like on the streets out there!  I have not updated you on my spots in a long time!

Have a great day!

"If you're feeling helpless, 
help someone."

1 comment:

  1. Hey Janine. Thank you for sharing Tater's story. I am not ready to do it myself. I have a very heavy heart today. I would like to help you get Muffin out of the AC unit. Lets talk this week ok? I love you and everything you do.
