Thursday, October 10, 2019


In animal rescue, there is always going to be some good, some bad, some awesome times, no doubt.

Lets start with the bad.  I received word from a very distraught foster mom Sue this morning, that little kitten Parker passed away overnight, in his sleep.  I tried to comfort her as best as I could, while also trying to keep my composure because I am on my way into work.  Little Parker was the kitten I found inside a dog crate outside someone's house on Melville, who had been locked inside with no food or water, and it was just crying away.  I took it.  The crate is still sitting there outside today.

Unless  you breed cats, when we rescue cats off the street, we have no way of knowing their history.   Even with bred cats I suppose there could be some kind of genetic thing going on - heart murmurs, I just don't know.   All I know is that its very sad.  To lose an innocent little life.  He was well loved and cared for by me, and by Sue after she took him to her house to be with other kitties his age two weeks ago.  He was a sweet sweet boy and I am going to miss him.  💔

There are always new ones that I want to rescue, and they aren't always cats.  There is a sweet pit bull that lives in a wooden hut in the back of someone's house parallel to Ferndale Crescent.  I mentioned this guy/gal earlier, but each morning he hears me pouring the food and comes through the hole in the wooden fence, and the tail starts wagging. As I said, he has a wooden hut, but nothing in there, and the opening faces the west, where all the storms come through.  I would love to dump a bale of hay for the owners to place in this hut.  I am not sure how I would go about approaching this.  This sweet, dirty, smelly dog deserves some bit of comfort.  Remember, its dragging a very heavy chain around its neck.  I read that that means something.  Anyone have suggestions?

Kings is out of hospital, hand still as big as a house, but he is getting better. And yes, my chores have doubled.  And I am doing a lot more walking and bending than I should, but I’m a tough girl and will do what I have to do to keep these animals healthy and safe out there.   Thank you to Kim, a sometimes Saturday helper, who showed up unannounced and said – give me your litter and scooper!  Tell me what you need me to do!  I am here to help you!  Wow, that was really kind and a huge donation of time on her part.  Thank you! 

The good:  Adoption of Stevie from 7th Street - the sweet little boy that I fed for over two years in a little wooden hut in the back of a city lot, where he lived.  He has found heaven.

Mom Ashley writes:  "Just checking in!  We’re loving Halloween season with our new pumpkin toys!  We’ve decided they have to sleep with us every night too!  Ha ha!"

Have a great day!

"If I should go tomorrow
It would never be goodbye,
For I have left my heart
with you,
so don't you ever cry.
The love that's deep
within me,
shall reach you from
the stars, 
You'll feel it from the
and it will heal the

1 comment:

  1. Stevie from 7th Street looks SO much like Sawyer, Janine. It's that cute nose that I love, I call it Sawyer's upside down moustache. Lynne (& Sawyer)
