Thursday, August 26, 2010


Whitey is the cat that 'lives' on Central Park near 2nd Street. Whitey is the unneutered male that saunters up to me the second I park, he watches for me each morning, usually sitting on a step, or on top of a car. He must roll onto his back at least 3 times before we get to the back of the lot where I put the food down. A sign of a very affectionate cat. Whitey is also somewhat aggressive. I think he shows his affection by biting. I don't trust him, so I've learned to keep him at a distance. My point is this: If I were to trap Whitey, and bring him to a shelter where he surely would be euthanized, is that better for him than leaving him where he is and fending for himself through his short life? Are cats made to survive in the wild? I can see how kittens might have a tougher time, but I am sure Whitey has been homeless for a long time now, and has survived this long. But is it humane to allow him to do this? Is he happy? I am just not sure what to do. After trapping those kittens yesterday, I am really questioning things. I would love some feedback!

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