Thursday, August 19, 2010


Work can be stressful, I am glad its almost Friday. And payday. Sometimes its hard to put on a happy face, look positive. In my office, you can't look any different. Thats hard to do sometimes. But I am a pretty happy go lucky person on the surface anyway. Inside, its a jumble of stuff, but its not as bad as you think. I am an eternal optimist. This morning, as I was putting food down for Stripes, Smokey and Blacky, a girl shouted out from across Central Park "hey cat lady!". I am not proud to be called that, but its nice to be noticed! And to have a friendly exchange in that part of town is a bonus! On 7th, the kids took my lean to board - I found it as I trudged back to the car knowing I would have to find another to protect the food there for the kitties on that vacant lot. But there it was, so I hauled it back there. We'll see if its still there tomorrow. I think the kids need to go back to school now... they are getting bored, and some vandalous. Speaking of lean to boards, I went to Home Depot on my lunch yesterday on East Ridge Road, and met a worker there named Margarita. Sweet thing walked me through a couple of departments there looking for boards for me. We found some inadequate ones, but they will do in a pinch. Also another nice gentleman who suggested they take my information, and when they get pallet boards in, they will call me so I can come get them. They donated the inadequate ones to me, which I found to be so kind. Will have to try some more stores like that. And an update on my Ballet kitties, they have asked me to take my shelters. That means at least two baby kittens, and the rest of the cats there have no shelter. I do not blame the people that work at the Ballet company, I blame society. These animals need shelter from the severe weather we have here in Rochester. They just took this away from them. I worry for them. Who is going to feed them? I have to let this go...

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