Wednesday, August 11, 2010


no more. Well, I still am, but I am going to report the little white dog in the backyard on 330 Central Park. I do believe he is neglected, for the few moments I see him in the early morning hours each day. He never seems to be away from the tree he is tied to. Its very hard to tell if he is even able to. His water bowl is filty, there is no shelter for him. Yes, I must do it, despite my fear of going back there to feed the kitties on the lot next door after its checked out by officials. The way I see it is that God gave us dogs to be our companions, and vice versa, not as possessions. If this dude wants something tied to his tree in the backyard, get a stuffed toy dog and put a leash and chain around its neck. Dogs want nothing but love from us. How cruel and mean to not pay attention to that. I still have a slight percentage of doubt because I don't know what the guy does after I leave. But it just doesn't look right. The one and only time I met him he was on the deck of his house out back and feeding a puppy, and the white dog. That was a long time ago, and he seemed nice so I never thought anything about it. But as I said, I've been observing, to be sure, for the past couple of weeks, and am not comfortable with what I see. I will do the right thing.

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