Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Hump Day!


Yes, it was pedicure day.  I was also shucking corn and stuck a piece of silk in my toe.  I know, I am nuts.

Crazy week.  Lots of cats out there.  Its so sad.  At my first location on Parsells, they cut down the bush there and placed all my shelters that were hidden behind there out to the curb.  Remember this was the spot last winter where I found a guy huddled in 20 degrees with no coat on asking me to call an ambulance.  He was laying on top of the shelters behind this huge bush.  Granted, I know there are rats, I see them scurrying a lot, but there is also a lot of trash on this property and its surrounding.  I’ve counted up to 8 cats there.  There is one sweet precious red tabby, very thin, and friendly, that comes up when I am pouring the food (yes, this has not stopped me from setting plates on the side of the house with a bowl of water for those starving cats).  At least they can eat until whoever throws it all away.  Just so sad.  I have no idea what I will do come the dreaded cold and nasty weather.

The cats on Grand Avenue are out of control.  They are all precious and friendly there, and I would love to have more fosters to take in adult cats – there are so many people out there that will adopt them once we can get them into a home and get some pictures, and obviously I would get them vetted first.

I’ve got all the kittens I had under my care adopted except for one.  Sue got her Claus, Odie and Lola adopted (Lola was adopted by my cousin’s son, and that is going to be one spoiled kitty!).  The kittens she was fostering, Rue and Squeaker, were adopted together by a woman that has horses out in Mendon.  Nice couple she and her boyfriend.  They are totally in love with these two little kittens.  Caesar and Katniss, the black kittens left with Sheryl, will be delivered to their new home on Friday!  And my six- GOD are they destructive! – are all adopted but one.  Lotus will go to her new home with new brother and sister adult cats – Chevy and Catalina are going together to their new home with their new adult brother Sprocket, and Camaro and Shelby will go to their new home together at the end of September – their new adopters are going on vacation mid-September. 

So all is good, I am so glad to know that we saved all these kitties, and none will ever reproduce because they will all be spayed and neutered.

Random pic:  This dead guinea pig was spotted on the corner of Second Street and Central Park.  How would a guinea pig wind up there?  So sad to think about.


This cat on Seventh Street and Central really needs a home.  So lonely, and you could easily trip when you pull up to this abandoned house where he sits and waits for someone to come along, every day.  Poor thing.  Very sweet and friendly, and very homeless.


Summer is winding down, and I need to start thinking about reinsulating some of the shelters out there.  Even if I never go out to feed again, the cats will at least have something to crawl into during inclement weather.  Its sad to think that I wouldn’t be able to feed them – but its reality.  I have no successor, and the funds are dwindling.  I can’t go on forever. 

Have a great day!

"Hope is the last thing ever lost."

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