Tuesday, September 14, 2021



Dear Diary… woops, I mean dear Blog.  Its been a long time.  Where do I begin?

Lets start with my memory.  And what I actually can remember.  A few weeks back, my shelters on Parsells were moved to the street and the bushes that they were hidden in were cut down.  A sign posted said don’t feed cats, we have a rat problem.  I, of course, could understand, but what to do about all those cats that are starving every day?  I have been feeding a few houses down the street under a tree since.  I knew I had to figure out a solution, so I enlisted Kristin’s help and we went a’knockin on doors on Labor Day morning.  As we drove up to the spot, there was a man on his porch having his coffee.  We got out and slowly approached him, explained what we were there for, and we got to talking.  His name was Willie, and after a long conversation, we finally were able to figure out where we could build another shelter – the city lot next door.  Now, mind you, this is where CRAZY LISA used to live.  That was one of the first things I had asked him when I walked up, was if she still lived there. He said no, she was in a hospital somewhere.  Lisa had severe mental problems.  If you did a search in my blog, you would read about the many encounters that myself and the police have had with her.  Anyhow, this man was very kind, even though he picks up the dishes I leave there in the dark in the morning, because the rats and raccoons come out and he doesn’t want them fed.  I can understand.  So in a few weekends, Kristin can help me build, I hope! Oh, and by the way, the man had tried to grow tomatoes in a pot on his porch, but he didn't realize that the pots needed holes and the plants were waterlogged, so the next morning, I left him a bag of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a few tomatoes from my garden.  I hope he liked it!  :) 

We also took in a mother and seven kittens, thanks to Sue offering to foster.  God knows I can’t do it, and never want to again.  Kittens are so destructive and I’ve had about enough.  I can’t begin to count the number of kittens I’ve had under my wing this year.  Ugh. We are thinking of naming them after Yellowstone series characters.  Ya gotta get creative when you have to name SEVEN kittens, and you’ve already named a gazillion kittens and cats in your lifetime before.  Mom's name is Felicity.

This weekend we may be able to rescue the black and white kitty from Seventh and Central thanks to Kristin’s mom offering to foster.
  We just need then to wait for his neuter clinic date.  Then we put him up for adoption.  Thank God we have people that want an adult cat and not a kitten!  We really need more fosters for adults.  

UPDATED:  A fellow feeder/rescuer? that I have never met reached out to me and told me about a red tabby she had picked up near one of my spots on Grand Avenue because he looked sick or injured, and she had him vetted and treated, and asked if I could post him around for adoption.  I did, and voila, a former co-worker from the law firm I used to work for reached out to ask about him, Oakley.  She had lost her husband recently and her old cat had passed away, and she saw Oakley and felt a connection with him.  She went to visit him yesterday, and he is now going to be adopted by her on Saturday.  See?  Give the older cats a try.  There are at least 10 cats I can count on the street just as sweet as this one.  Please consider.

Otherwise, I am still out there doing this, and its crazy.  Thanks so much to June and Sheryl, my only helpers at this point.  I know they can’t do it forever.  Neither can I.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention others in this post.  I used to do daily blogs and tried always to remember to thank those that help me, but now I can only write once a week if I am lucky (work!), and sometimes, when I think about it, there are SO many that help me.  Esther has been doing four of my spots, and Danielle and Chuck feed on Parsells in the back parking lot of Chuck's job site.  All of you are invaluable to me!  And there is Kim who fills cat food into bags for me most of the time, and carries them to the truck.  Couldn't do it without you peeps!  

Have a great day!

"All we have is now."

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