Thursday, November 17, 2011


Bullies...  we have them at schools, we have them at work, and bullies are even in the cat world!  The definition of a bully is:  a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.  Not only do I encounter some in my workplace, but I deal with two furry bullies each morning.  One is at my third spot.  He swats at all the other cats waiting for me until HE IS FED FIRST!  He even swats at my head if I am bending down and within reach.  He is mean mean mean.  Bullies are mean.  My second bully is at close to my last spot, a red and orange kitty, who chases all the others away.  They feed like hungry lions when I put the food down there.  This is the tree that I feed under that is down from where Miss B. used to live, and where Wally lives a few houses down also.  I have placed a very small board and a cat carrier down on the side of his house, but its inadequate for the winter.  I will keep feeding Wally when I can on weekends.  I've made him breads and soup recently, and I know he appreciates that. In fact, he doesn't have much.  I toured his small apartment, and he has nothing.  His television is the size of a postage stamp.   I still don't understand how someone gets to be that age and they don't even own a chair or couch.  Sad really.  But back to the bullies, they are very aggressive cats, and make it very difficult for their companions.  Bullies need to be taught lessons in life, so they don't bully again.  But how do you turn a cat bully around?  Picture above is where the red and orange bully hangs...  sorry, picture didn't turn out very well.  I hate my camera. 

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