Thursday, November 10, 2011

Almost Winter

That was the way it felt this morning.  We have had a really nice past two weeks here in Rochester, NY.  60's, no rain.  Plenty of sunshine.  Great moonlit nights.  But this morning, I realized thats all coming to an end.  The rain will be coming, as will the snow, and it will be harder and harder for me to get out and feed these animals.  Not only harder for me to actually get my foot out the door each morning, but also harder for the cats - their shelters are so poor right now.  I really wish I had some help by a creative person to help me build up these shelters.  And that is hard to do also because I have to hide them also.  I just wish I had help doing what I do every day, period.

I was speaking to a woman last night who is fostering Oreo for me.  Remember Oreo, one of Miss B's old house-near-the-corner cats.  Her picture is featured a few posts ago also.  She is ready for adoption, so think about it!  Pass it around!  Anyways, I was chatting with this wonderful woman, finding out how Oreo is doing in her new digs, and she mentioned something rather comical to me and I wanted to share it with you - she looked up Cat Lady in, and here is what it said:

In at least the Anglosphere, single women who own cats have long been associated with the concept of spinsterhood.[1] In more recent decades, the concept of a cat lady has been associated with "romance-challenged (often career-oriented) women who can't find a man".[1]

The term is also used to denote an animal hoarder who keeps large numbers of cats without having the ability to properly house or care for them.[2] They are generally blissfully ignorant about their situation.

I just thought this was hilarious.  It couldn't be further from the truth. There are plenty of pretty, sane and successful women in all walks of life doing what I do.  Rubbish.  Wikipedia.  Rubbish!  :)  And I keep a pretty good house too!  I will not be like the Crazy Cat Lady on the Simpsons!  I will not, I will not, I will not!  :)  I invite you to a great article - I think if you love cats, and are female, you will love this article:

I have a vacation day tomorrow, hooray!  Have a GREAT weekend!  Please contact me if you want to foster, adopt, or have any shelters you may want to donate to me.  Thank you friends!!

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