Happy end to a not-so-great year. For me. I had a few too many health issues than I care to count.
But all is well again and I am looking forward to a new year, putting sad thoughts and people out of my mind, and looking forward to happy and good times.
As far as cats go, two more lucky kitties are off the street. Two weeks ago, someone offered me the opportunity to foster a cat - and so Fluffy was swept up from Melville Street that Sunday morning, and whisked off to Kristin's mom's house in Rush. I was on pins and needles waiting for her to let me know how he would respond once out of the carrier because he did NOT like going IN the carrier. Not to mention, he was a former TNR (Trap, Neuter Return) many many years ago. This past year he has trusted me so much that he would run to the truck and hop in to rub his face with mine, and purr at the scratches and pets he got from me until we had to leave to feed at the next location. It was heartbreaking to leave him. He wasn't even interested in eating sometimes, he just wanted to be loved.
So the first report I received was that the second he got out of the carrier, he began to rub against Mrs. Miller, Kristin's mom. He did not run and hide, he just wanted to be loved. I went over Christmas eve to check on him, and boy is he a lover. He will make someone very happy if they are looking for a lover of a cat!
Second rescue: Mama from Bay Street! Mama had litter after litter until I finally got her trapped and fixed. She would never let us get near her until maybe two years ago she started to come around. This year, she was a lover. She would run up for pets, always hungry, but more hungry for attention. I rescued her four kittens before I TNR'd her five or so years ago. Two of the four was Emmet, the other was Pip (I adopted those two out together)... She started to cross over Bay Street which was very busy, and come to the Seventh Street shelter. She is known for her hopping in the grass like a bunny. Very cute. Anyway, someone offered to take her in, and voila! I got her last Sunday morning. Thank God for adopters and fosters! It just takes a spare room with food, water, and a window to look out of. Please consider! Below is Mama. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a picture from her adopter. This is when she was still on the street. I am certain she was grateful to be off the street and away from the cold and winds we have had.
I have another kitty in my sights to rescue - he is a former TNR as well and is pure black, sleek and silky, AND a cuddle bug. He is located on Garson Avenue and runs to the truck when he sees and hears it. He cries and cries until I open the door and when I do, up he jumps onto my lap. I close the door and he loves to be on my lap and have the heater warming him up. This morning, he nuzzled against my face. A very sweet cat indeed.
We had a wicked windstorm this past weekend, but nothing like the blizzard that Buffalo had. We had very little snow, and they had over 50 inches. I was glad to go out and see all my shelters still intact. I worry about the shelters, but with enough bricks and large rocks, they stay put very nicely.
My needs: DRY FOOD, tarps (dark green or brown (camo)) SHELTERS (I can tell you how to make them if you don't know how to do it). They can be styrofoam or plastic tote bins. Think about the size - they should be large enough for a cat to get in and turn around comfortably.
And now for some fun facts about your cats:
8 Things Your Cat Loves
Because cats are such smart, sentient creatures, they can have a long list of likes (and, perhaps, an equally long list of dislikes!) In most cases, the things your cat loves are the very same things you love—like fresh, tasty food, long naps in cozy spots, and plenty of fun activities, to name a few.
Just like us humans, the things cats find interesting, fun, or exciting can change as they age—your cat may love her toy with feathers one day, but find it boring the next. As a kitty parent, it's your job to recognize when your cat's interests change, so you can keep her happy, healthy, and engaged. Although likes can vary from cat to cat, these eight kitty "likes" are a great place to start.
Cats Love Taking Naps
It's no secret that cats love to sleep. In fact, the average kitty sleeps for a whopping 12 to 16 hours per day! Because cats are nocturnal creatures, they snooze most of the day away—and who can blame them? Everyone loves a nice, long nap in a cozy, comfy spot.
Keep in mind, kittens and senior cats will spend more time sleeping than, say, an adolescent cat. But if you're worried that your cat is sleeping too much—or too little—talk to your vet about what's normal for his breed, age, activity level, and size.
Cats Love Grooming and Being Groomed
Did you know adult cats spend approximately half of their waking hours grooming? Clearly, grooming is an important part of a kitty's life!
There are a few reasons cats dedicate so much time to grooming:
- It keeps them clean. Not only does grooming help cats remove dirt and grime from their coats, but it prevents predators and prey from detecting them. How? Licking their coats removes any smells it has absorbed.
- It keeps their skin and coat healthy. Regular grooming disperses the oils naturally produced by a cat's skin and fur, keeping her coat healthy, shiny, and hydrated.
- It makes them feel relaxed. There's nothing more relaxing than a massage, right? Well, cats feel the same way! Rather than visiting a masseuse, they simply groom themselves to reduce stress and calm down.
- It helps them bond with other kitties. Cats groom each other—and their humans!—to develop and strengthen their bond. You'll often see cats grooming each other in hard-to-reach places.
- It cools them off. Humans sweat. Dogs pant. Cats lick themselves. When it's super hot out, cats dampen their fur with saliva to cool off.
Not every cat loves to be groomed by his humans, but if yours does, try brushing his fur with a natural bristle or rubber brush. It'll remove any residue from his fur and feel super relaxing, too.
Cats Love Fresh, Nutritious Food
It's unlikely that you'd want to dive into a big plate of spoiled food at dinnertime. The same goes for your cat. Stale and spoiled food doesn't just taste bad, either—it can grow mold or host multiple types of bacteria, like Salmonella and Staphylococcus, too.
Whenever you serve your kitty's meals, be sure to check the expiration dates on both wet and dry food. This will ensure you're only feeding her fresh, nutritious, and safe meals.
Cats Love Running Water
If you have a cat, you know they'll try to drink water from running faucets whenever the opportunity presents itself. Fortunately, there are tons of drinking fountains—designed especially for cats—so they always have cool, fresh, running water available.
Believe it or not, some breeds of cats also like to play in the water. If your cat loves to splash around, try filling up the bathtub or a kiddie pool with a few inches of water during her playtime. This activity will help her get a little bit of exercise and cool off on particularly hot days.
Cats Love Scratching and Clawing
@woocy_woo / Instagram
One of the cats' basic instincts is to sharpen their claws by scratching and clawing different surfaces. They also happen to get a ton of joy from it, too.
In addition to sharpening their claws, scratching can help relax and rejuvenate cats. Think of it as the human equivalent to a nice, long stretch when your muscles are tired or achy. A quick scratch session on a cat tree or scratching post can wake a tired kitty up immediately.
Cats Love Daily Playtime
Playtime is a serious business for cats, all the way from kittenhood to their senior years. It doesn't take much to keep a cat entertained—she'll play with anything from lint to tricked-out cat toys—but it is a vital part of their health and development. Not only does playtime hark back to their days in the wild when they had to stalk, hunt, and capture their prey, but it keeps them exercised, engaged, and happy, too.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of cat toys on the market, but your cat may like playing games, such as hide and seek, too. No matter your cat's choice of play, it's important to sneak in a few minutes daily.
If your cat loves to curl up in windows, be sure to protect her skin from the sun's harsh rays, especially if she has light-colored fur. Try to limit her hours next to the window when the sun is strongest—between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.—and talk to your vet about kitty-approved sunscreens.
Some signs your cat loves you include purring, bunting (or putting her head on you), sleeping on or near you, meowing, licking, and even sticking her butt in your face. Yes, really.
Now, have a great day!
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