Thursday, March 24, 2022


 On January 1st, 2018, I wrote the following post:

"Today being the first of the new year, I went out heavy hearted, knowing it was near zero degrees, and has been for well over a week now.  Its taking its toll on the cats out there, I can see this.  I do my best and pray they have the sense to use the shelters I provide.  I pulled up to Garson #1 this morning, to feed one of three kitties here, and as I was pouring the food and water comes this little one, her face and fur with icicles hanging from it!  I immediately went into rescue mode, grabbed the carrier, and threw her in it.  (well, not THREW!).  I felt she was in danger and had to get her off the streets.  She is one happy, and beautiful kitty.  She has melted (ha ha) and thanks to my friend Valerie, we are naming her Elsa, from the movie Frozen.  :)  I need to get her fostered ASAP. "

I found one in an old friend named Melissa.  She did a great job with her.

 And THEN  She was adopted!

Elsa Update:

"Our Elsa is living the high life. Most times these days she's camped out on or near a heat register, or in a sunbeam. She's been restless lately because her favorite Purina dry food is apparently stuck in the supply chain somewhere, so she's had to settle for substitutes. Paul has been enabling her finickiness -- buying her all different kinds until she finds something she likes. Me, I just give her a bowl of whatever we have and figure she'll eat it when she's hungry enough.


In winter, she's likely to be less restless thru the night. But once she decides it's time for us to get up, she sits on Paul's shoulder while he's sleeping and pokes him gently in the face til he gets up. She knows what works!


Elsa's the only cat we've ever known who doesn't like boxes or bags. She either runs away from them or ignores them. She's also terrified of the sound our ski pants make when we walk around the house in them. She's normally not very vocal, but if we come back after, say, a week away, she's very LOUD: "Where have you been??? Why didn't you call? I've been sooooo bored!!!!" She tolerates the sitters, but mostly hides when they show up. She doesn't like too many visitors, especially my 5- and 3-year-old nephews, who find it impossible to be quiet and wait for her to approach, since they're used to dogs.

It's funny how cats will adopt new habits out of the blue. Lately, Elsa will catch us just out of the shower so she can lick the water off our feet and legs. :) That tickles! She loves her catnip toys and the little spiral things we can buy at Wegmans: we often see her carrying them around in her mouth, and then putting them down in a new room to bat around. 

Have you ever seen the movie "The Bear"? We were watching it a while ago, with Elsa sleeping on Paul's lap. She normally ignores TV, but this really caught her attention. The main character is an adorable orphan cub who whimpers a lot and bounces around, chasing frogs and fish, etc. Elsa was FASCINATED, and just stared and stared at him, as if he were her long-lost brother. But when a big bear came on the scene (he's a friend, but we don't know that at first), Elsa ran and hid behind the basement door and missed the happy ending. Mostly she watches TV thru her tail.  She definitely hit the lottery when you rescued her and we adopted her. These days, her biggest decisions are: Couch or bed, or forbidden heirloom chair? Moist food or dry? Lick my butt or sleep longer? Harass the humans or let them sleep? Hmmm ... 

We adore her, even though she keeps ruining woodwork. Ah well; it's her only vice. Comes with the territory. She makes no secret of her fondness for Paul, who's her primary source of food and cuddling. Thanks so much for all your ongoing efforts on behalf of our furry friends."


What a great story!  Happy ending for Elsa, for sure.  Thanks Rose!💓

"Use your voice for
kindness, your ears for
compassion, your hands
for charity, your mind
for truth, and your
Heart for Love."

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