Thursday, January 31, 2019


What a morning!  This is what it read on my dash in my truck this morning.  But we all know, it was way below that.  I don't think the truck is able to read MINUS 0.

Remember you can click on pictures to see up close.

I have to give credit where credit is due.  Kings has been a huge help to me.  We layered and layered the clothes this morning before heading out at 3:45 to face the brutal temperatures.  By 5:36, we were done.  And cold.  He walks to the further spots I have, and I do the closer ones.  I placed another two totes this morning at two locations, hoping the cats would use them.  I didn't see many cats this morning, but we could probably count at least 30.  The other 70 I would see on a normal day were hopefully huddled in their cozy shelters until we left.

Busy day for moving kitties yesterday.


Annie went to foster mom Melissa yesterday to learn to trust. Melissa said to me later that its like she fears you will hurt her so she cowers, but when you pick her up, she will knead, snuggle into you, and never want to leave your lap. 


Danny went to a former adopter of three of my babies over the years.  I am so grateful to new foster mom Laurie. And no Laurie, you can't adopt a fourth, even though you love him already. He is such a lover boy.  Another true lap cat.  He never stops purring he is so happy!


Grey.  He came back from foster mom Gaye to stay overnight in my bathroom for a hopeful neuter in the morning.  Boy, does he smell.  He has a VERY STRONG urine smell.  It permeated my house.  Not fun.  I will be OVER CLEANING this weekend.  Shower curtains and all.  Foster mom took these pictures of him. He’s gorgeous.  This morning, he was wrapping himself around my legs as I did my face for the day.  He’s definitely been around the block a few times, and has had to defend himself out on the streets, but I know in time he is going to be someone’s lover boy. 

And just think.
Grey was here outside two mornings ago!


Sabrina.  We were hopeful for a permanent home for her, but it just fell through as the potential adopter’s landlord said no to the cat.  So Sabrina lives on, with her foster mom Kim, until we can find a good home for her.

Cyndy Loo.  She has been adopted.  I don’t know anything yet about the new adopter – this was someone Kristin knows – and am entrusting I will get some more information and an update on how she is doing in her new home.

Charlotte – she is gorgeous, and still waiting for a permanent home.

Jule, Larry (Limpy), Hermie and Parsley are comfortable and safe with foster mom Carol.  We are still evaluating Larry’s leg – this last round cost $152 to figure out what is wrong.  With cage rest, we will see how he does.

I need to pay visits to my foster mom’s and their charges.  I wish they lived closer than the 20-30 miles that some of them are located, and the weather each weekend has been brutal.  I hope they know how much I appreciate them, and how the kitties under their care appreciate them. Fostering saves lives, for sure.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Kings is a great help. I enjoyed his company very much and was happy to get to know him a little better last week when we did all the plodding and shoveling through the deep snow. No worries Mate !
