Tuesday, January 15, 2019

FEED A CAT FOR CHRISTMAS............ And Beyond! JANUARY 4th!!! JEN R.!!!

JEN R.!!!  Jennifer took up a donation amongst her friends in lieu of receiving birthday presents (which she so rightly deserved!!!) to donate to the Feed a Cat for Christmas.  Thank you JEN!!!  Jen helped me a few years back by taking a few kitties off the street and bringing them to a rescue in Buffalo.  I needed help, Jen had been reading my daily sagas, and made the offer.  After going to her home (was there wine involved Jen?) and meeting her, dropping off kitties, we became what I call instant friends.  Thanks Jen for your thoughtfulness.  And thank your friends as well. 

It was a balmy 27 degrees out this morning.  Not as bad as yesterday (21) and not as bad as the day before that, which was in the low teens.  If I could place a shelter at every corner in Rochester, I would do it.  Those cats need it.  I have three little ones running to me when they hear the truck approaching after my stop on Central between 5th and 6th streets.  I drive up to the Pentecostal ‘church’  and feed them in the median.

Latest weather reports is that we could get a large accumulation this Saturday, and that will make it difficult to feed these starving three.  Two little black ones and a gray kitty.  Is it grey, or gray?

There usually are one or two ladies of the night walking around Central Park near Second Street.  They are hoping to score so that they can score.  They know me, and what I am doing.   Obviously, this one didn’t know me…  I parked in front of the mailbox to feed there, opened my door to get out, and the passenger door swung open and this girl loudly said ‘OMG, you scared the sh_t out of me!!!’ and I said ‘well you just scared the sh_t out of me!!!’ wherefore, we both proceeded to laugh.  As she closed the door, I thought, well why’d you open the door anyway you dumb sh_t.  She obviously thought I would be a ‘paying customer’ and was ready to get in.  She did apologize.

I am having a hard time letting go of the Melville spot I’ve been at for so long.  I have been placing food down again on the porch for a few days now.  The neighbor next door has said she is leaving food on her porch, to help me, but without seeing a set up that will keep the cats there in warmth of shelter and safety, its hard for me to just walk away, knowing they are being cared for the way I would.  This woman and I just don’t have that kind of rapport.  I wish we did, but it seems strained because her husband is also not on board. 

I received a call from Thumper’s adoptive parents, to say it just wasn’t working out.  I had originally hoped they would take an older cat, but they wanted to give it a try.  So Thumper will go back to Melissa, to calm him down a bit and socialize him again.   It takes a bit of work and patience, but it can be done.  These kind of older feral kittens need to be sectioned off with lots of attention and holding.   That’s how they begin to trust.  I am praying they will be open to accepting Katie into their home, even though I love Katie to pieces.  But she needs her own home.

That’s it in a nutshell.

Have a great day.

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