Monday, March 26, 2018

Bouncing Bundles!

Where do I begin?
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love he brings to me
Where do I start?

Bull Crap.  J  those are the lyrics from LOVE STORY – remember that movie?  These poor animals.  Getting knocked up left and right on the streets, and having all these babies.  Most of them are having them in bushes, under sheds, under porches, in the weeds.  And its been so cold out, they kittens die soon thereafter.  And momma could have a condition, or something could go wrong with her right after birth, and she could die if not treated, and in most cases, she won’t be, because she is HOMELESS.  And its all because WE DO NOT SPAY AND NEUTER!  We meaning HUMANS.  Humans meaning IRRESPONSIBLE humans.  Those that get kittens, or cats, and if unfixed, spray the house, and then get kicked out left to survive on their own.  And then there are the ferals, that are a RESULT of these cats once someone’s kitten.  From that one kitten came thousands of cats. 
Momma giving birth to last baby

Mama and her kittens

This all happened this weekend to me!  And Foster Mom Carol.  Friday, as I was having a leisurely lunch with my friend June, on my day off from work, I got a call from Carol, my foster for Parsley, Hermie, and Buffy, the kitty I rescued Thursday Morning.  She said I was going to be a grandmother.  The kittens were being born the day after I got her!  She had SIX!  I was able to witness my first birth with her sixth kitten, by the time I got there.  She was a good mom, licking the sac from each one that was surrounding them, and getting them to nurse from her. 

HERMIE This Morning
On Sunday, I received a call from Carol stating mom was breathing funny.  I didn’t think anything of it.  I thought Carol was a worry wart.  J  I proceeded to drive to Penn Yan with Kristin to visit with the family that adopted Muffin, aka Hawkins.  I wasn’t able to see Hawkins, he was frightened, but we had a nice visit nevertheless, with them and their dog Jade. Cutie pie.  In the afternoon, after I had imbibed a bit of wine…  I got a call stating that kitty was not doing great, and she was going to keep an eye on this situation.  At 8:30 am last night, I RECEIVED another call saying Buffy was going to go into emergency vet in Brighton with her kittens.  I sent Kings over to help her.  I HAD to sleep.  I HAD to get up in the morning at 2 am. to not only feed, but to trap three cats. 

Could I sleep after that phone call?  Nope.  Could I sleep after I got a call from the vet at the emergency place telling me their estimate - $1500?  No way.  Could I REALLY sleep after the kittens were brought back to me at 10:45 pm. to be bottle fed every three hours? NFW.  Did I know what I was doing?  Not a chance.  But I would try.  So up I get at 2 am, exhausted, and try again to bottle feed.  They are just not taking to it.  Call for help.   Yes.  Facebook is wonderful for help.  Done.  Lots of offers.  Lots of offers to take kittens, but I must hold on to them until I can get an update on Momma and if she can come home today.  A vet working day shift will evaluate and call me.  Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, I set three traps this morning, and got three cats.  Thanks to Joel, who rode shotgun with me after I asked him to help out a while back with being a spotter for my traps on TNR days.


PARSELLS CAT - Pregnant cat STILL would not go into trap

(I wasn't able to get a pic of third kitty from Melville).

I dropped my sweet girl Elsa off at her new home on Friday.  Her new parents are world travelers at the end of winter each year, and asked if I could hold Elsa until they came back!   I fell in love with this sassy little girl that I rescued on a morning that was so cold and snowy, she had icicles hanging from her, hence the name!  I am getting good reports on her acclimation so far.

Elsa loves the tub

Connor, the sick boy I rescued a week ago, and had tumors removed from his tongue, is doing better, but still eating pureed food - baby food actually.  Won't eat much else.  He had blood coming from his mouth on Saturday.  Was better on Sunday.

CONNOR on Saturday

PS, thank God for Carol, she determined this was life threatening for Buffy, and took action, while all I wanted to do was stay in bed.  Thank you Carol.


  1. My pleasure !
    Its always fascinating to ride along with you and watch the master at work.
    Praying Buffy gets better and comes home soon to take her babies off your hands.
    Please tell us what was wrong with her when you find out !

  2. $1500 for one cat????? That's outrageous!!! They oughta be ashamed!

  3. Some observations for from a cat lover and a cat researcher and observer (to make my stories better)
    The red cat at Garson # 2 is very needy and rubs all over things and knocks the bowls and water dish around is VERY lonely and wants human companionship. It is desperate for human contact. My opinion is it is ready for adoption. It behaves that way because it craves attention from humans. Please consider trapping and fostering it in the near future. (plus youll get his PITA ass out of your hair)

    1. Hmmmm - my earlier comment seems a bit rude.
      RE-PHRASE = The PITA kitty would very much like to be loved by a human. IF you get a chance to grab him and can find a foster for him I think he would be so happy he would be in heaven.
      There - thats better.
