Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Doesn't Anybody Care?

This is a sign I am going to make up today, and hammer into this tree pictured just below.  This is Parsells Avenue, a street where there are more cats and kittens and injured animals than ANY of my other 17 locations that I drive to EVERY SINGLE MORNING and place food and water down, most have some shelters - this one does not.  By the time I leave Parsells Avenue, I have fed nearly 20 cats.  And those are the cats that I can see, and are waiting for me.  Picture below, this is a mother cat and one of her kids that I had to leave behind.  As I drove home this morning, I said out loud.  Doesn't anyone care???  Most of the folks that live on this street could care LESS what their property looks like, or their house, or their porch, or could care for themselves, let alone the animals.  But I am going to place this sign there, in handwritten words - DOESN'T ANYBODY CARE???  For all to see.  Wake up people.  This is serious.  There are so many unneutered cats on this street, so many kittens.  The mother cat below has a hematoma on her left ear.  Baby doesn't look too healthy either.

But when I pulled up to these cats, momma and another baby just sat by these empty bowls.  I was able to grab the tiny baby next to mama, and here she is now, in my bathroom, safe. She is about 6 mos. old, maybe?

This is the reason why fostering is SO IMPORTANT.  We need more people to step up and say "I'll help." - just get kitty off the street."  Together we will find a home eventually.

The following was from a post I read this morning on FACEBOOK, someone had shared the picture of the injured cat on Parsells ---

Sick and possibly injured:
(excerpt from Janine's Blog today) The cat below is severely injured and I've had to walk away from it for the past three mornings. He is on Parsells. His eye is droopy, he looks injured. He comes right up on the porch to gobbble the food down, he is starving. The reason I cannot grab him is I have no where to take him. I CANNOT rescue again until I have a foster. PLEASE consider, he needs help!
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  • Frank Vaccaro Janine Wagner any update on this kitty?
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
  • Lynne Perry Yea, I tried to figure it out too, but the poster Sheryl seems to have a closed page... with so many rescue shelters in the area, I'm not clear why she can't transport him if she can catch him. She said the only reason she can't catch him is she doesn't know where to take him! What? I would get this kitty and have it in placement with a day or two. I don't get it.
    Like · Reply · 7 hrs
  • Janine Wagner Lynne, I am a one man band, with one low income, and one tiny house. If you will notice from my blog, I have been rescuing a cat every week, and have used up my fosters, the few I have, and have every room filled at my house. It costs me $50 to bring a cat in for spay/neuter at the clinic, which I just spent $100 on yesterday for two. I get calls from people to help them. I drive down this street every single morning and feed an average of 20 cats (PARSELLS). I drive away from the most pitiful things you can imagine - I need help. Please, if you want me to do something about this cat, come out with me and help me. I am feeding on a dilatpidated porch where next door, a family lives that if they catch me, I will lose this feeding spot for so many animals that feed here. Also, he only comes up because he is starving, I don't think he will allow me to grab him. I set a trap yesterday, but got a female baby instead. So, thats the story.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
  • Janine Wagner AND, I just rescued this one from across the street there!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 58 mins
  • Janine Wagner AND, look at who I had to leave! All this at four am. this morning.
    Like · Reply · 57 mins
  • Susan Katz Aser Could it be Kenneth Anthony cat.??..see post below
    Like · Reply · 45 mins
    • Janine Wagner

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  • Janine Wagner PS, I hope you don't think I was angry - I am frustrated at having to leave these animals. The mother cat above has a hemtoma on its ear... Its horrendous. I also TNR'd a kitten 7 mos and had to return her this morning! Its horrible.
    Like · Reply · 1 min

Now, I don't want people to think I was angry with my response, but I am frustrated, as already stated above.  I need help.  I can't do this alone.  I must have finances for the clinic to spay and neuter, I must have food donated to me.  I am out in the trenches 365 days a year, at 4 am. so that people don't see me, so that I am not harmed (this is the safest time of day).  

Thank you for listening, and thank you for considering fostering and adoption.  Please.  

PEACHES from Parsells - rescued just Monday morning!

Spayed the following morning!

Kittens available for adoption - rescued from Niagara Street two weeks ago

Momma Cat NORA - needs adoption!

Then there is Skinny Minnie, WAS pregnant, rescued from Parsells!  She needs adoption!
Benson, rescued from Baldwin and Parsells, he needs adoption!

Have a nice day.

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.  Without them humanity cannot survive."


  1. Oh Janine - you are really on a mission this summer. Another rescue today. Wow. I couldn't really follow the conversation about the injured orange cat - did the woman Lynne offer to take him or take him to a shelter? I wish I could take him - but I can't foster adults, just kittens - of which we have 4 now. We absolutely MUST bring this crisis situation to the attention of the city or county and get get them to DO SOMETHING!!! Let's really commit to this now. I am ready and committed. I know we have talked about it, but we need to act. Who is with us? -Kristin

  2. I don't live in the city, but why can't RAS help or Lollypop Farm, or the city itself , don't they have any programs to help catch and spay an nueter these poor cats. I give money to cat shelters, but this is so sad,i think Rochester is a horrible city not to care about these homeless cats.Can you put this post out more frequently so more people will know the cats plight. I can donate money to help. Nancy
