That was the temperature this morning when I left the house to do my feedings at 15 different locations. Thanks for your comments from yesterday everyone. Actually, the two kitties on Central frantically running around yesterday morning are kitties I've been feeding pretty regularly there for months now. I did not see them this morning, but still went there and left fresh water and food on the porch on top of a fleece blanket there.
OK, so I called Metalico from work yesterday and found out that it was actually whoever owns the house at 330 Central Park that hired contractors to get the dumpster FROM Metalico to clean out the house. So, unless I know who owns the house, be it a bank or otherwise, I will never be able to express my displeasure with them removing these professionally built cat shelters from that property, even after being told that someone comes there every morning to feed the cats, therefore would be there the next morning and would see that she needs to remove them from the property, hence they needn't TRASH them into the dumpster. JERKS. I hope I able to someday talk to someone about this. I saw this recently:

I may have seen something similar to it previously regarding children, but boy is this the truth for me. You can do or say anything you want to me, but if you mess with the welfare of the animals that are under my watch, and under my care, or with any other defenseless animal, ANY other, you will feel my wrath. I don't care who you are. Trust me. If I can't reason with you, trust me.
On another note, yesterday, someone who doesn't understand my sensitivity posted something horrible on my Facebook page. It was a video of a girl over the age of 16 with a bucket by the side of a river. In that bucket were six baby kittens. They were alive, you could see them moving. One by one, she threw them into this river like she were throwing a baseball to a batter. I've never seen anything so disturbing in my entire life, and I don't think I will ever get over it. And I have seen some very disturbing things regarding human deaths. But this topped that. I guess my point is.................. there is such evil in this world, so much evil that its hard to comprehend.
Did you know that often, sadistic acts of animal abuse are a stepping stone to
abusing humans?
Here are some facts:

Did you know that in
a shocking number of cases, individuals who commit terrible acts of violence
against people, such as serial killers, child abusers, spousal abusers and
rapists, have a history of animal abuse? For example, as a youth, Albert DeSalvo
(the Boston strangler) trapped cats and dogs in crates and abused them.

Did you know that a
1997 study discovered that 40% of animal abusers had committed acts of violence
against people?

Did you know that it
is estimated that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in
connection with domestic violence?

Did you know that 46
states and the District of Columbia currently have laws that make intentional
cruelty against an animal a felony charge? Before 1986, only four states had
felony animal cruelty laws.

Did you know that
dog-fighting and cock-fighting are illegal in all 50 states?

Did you know that
pit bulls, in particular, constitute an increasing percentage of victimized

Did you know that
neglect and abandonment are the most common forms of companion animal abuse

Did you know that
dogs are the most common victims of animal cruelty? Of the 1,880 cruelty cases
reported in the media in 2007, 64.5 percent (1,212) involved dogs.

Did you know that
eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox-fur coat, and 55 minks are killed
to make one mink coat?

Did you know that
wildlife officials estimate that over 100 million wild animals are illegally
poached each year in the United States?

Did you know that it
has been documented that raccoon dogs, a wild species within the dog family that
is often made into fur trim, have been skinned alive for their fur?

Did you know that
despite a ban on commercial hunting, a small number of countries still kill
thousands of whales every year?

Did you know that
many of the dolphins you see in dolphin shows or in swim-with-the-dolphin
programs have been violently captured from the wild? These intelligent,
self-aware animals are not suited to life in captivity.

Did you know that
every year tens of millions of sharks are caught and have their fins hacked off?
Shark fins are considered a delicacy among some populations and in some
countries. These helpless sharks are then thrown back into the ocean, only to
drown or bleed to death.

Did you know that it
is illegal to sell polar bear skins in the United States but there are no such
restrictions in Europe and Japan?

Did you know that it
is illegal to import and sell ivory in the United States but that the United
States is the second largest ivory market in the world after China?
Interesting facts. Sad facts. True facts. We need to end this, and each of us can do our part in reporting what we see, not driving past something, but stopping to investigate. The more people that take an interest, the more these voiceless victims will be helped. Please do your part.
On a happier note, the cat I rescued Sunday morning, in captivity at Sheryl's house, is getting braver! Sheryl took this picture!!! Hurray!
Have a great day.
It is facinating to me, that the tremendously sad and barbaric F.Book post that landed on your page, was seen by me on one of my relatives F.Book page, a week ago. Now, let me tell you J., this relative is the one that is avoided by all familly at any gatherings, because of her outstanding ability to "say the wrong thing" and make one uncomfortable , and leave early, at any time. These people are "honest and out there" ??? ........mmmm, Leave it to the experts who know how to help, without sapping positive energy and productivity from the rest of us. You are also right on the money with your data about animal cruelty and crime. All my love Mai, xoxoxox
ReplyDelete"Piece de resistance", that video on my relatives page was liked by just one person, her equally unpopular EX husband, hah ! birds of a feather flock together, I am mystified as to why they ever divorced :D better things coming for you and the kittys J. !
ReplyDeleteJanine - FB is a powerful tool viewed by millions. I saw enough of that video to know what it contained but I shared it in the hopes someone would recognize that monster and she would be arrested. That was my ONLY reason for spreading it - to expose her. I apologize if you saw it because of me; I totally know your sensitivity of animals, which I share. More and more actions against animal abusers are resulting from viewers being outraged on FB; I hope this is the case with this one. Nancy C.
ReplyDeleteP.S. That was the sole reason I no longer eat meat of any kind - due to the cruelty inflicted on these poor animals. Nancy
ReplyDeleteFraser is a beauty! I'm glad he is coming around. Wendy B
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, what a difference in the cat that Sheryl has fostered, great result for you 2 girls. Dont know if it is right, but I heard that facebook video has been doing the rounds for 12 months or more, could not find any up date on if they located the original poster or perpetrator :(
ReplyDeleteNancy is a great support to Janine and the kittys, only good intentions there, we all know this, Janine more than anyone knows it . I myself have to snap the .Television off, when the Human society of which I am a member and donor to, play their ad., with the song In the arms of the Angels playing. It is so sad to me that it distracts me from their message.I read this blog everyday always hoping for another success story. Go team Janine. !
ReplyDeleteThank you for those kinds words. You might want to research the ASPCA further and direct your monies toward groups/people who actually SAVE lives. The more I'm finding out about them, the less I'm liking. Nancy
ReplyDeleteI hear you on that one Nancy, and, it's why I give to Team Janine and her Kittys, without a doubt, it goes straight to the kittys and only the kittys. Keep up the good work girl. xx
ReplyDeleteFraser is looking so good and getting brave, too!
ReplyDeleteThe owner of the house may have instructed the dumpster people to throw away those shelters. :( Either way, it's mean and cold-hearted.
Same with the Humane Society and unfortunately with most of the huge supposed animal welfare groups, a large amount of donations go to pay huge salaries for the directors and staff, and for fundraising and incentives like t-shirts etcetera. If you look up those groups you will see how little of the donations actually go to do anything, plus a lot of those groups euthanize a lot of the animals that are brought to the suppose it shelters. I love the adage think globally give locally,so janine and all the other local rescue groups who put all the donations directly back into the care of the animals in their care and who they are trying to save,is a much better use of everyone's money.