Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy 1st Day of Summer!

"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”   Thats me.  Insane.  I do what I do each and every morning.  Its drudgery the first half of my stops, and after the 7th or so I begin to feel better, knowing I have only a few more to go.  Thank God its summer.  I really try not to think about what lies ahead (winter). 

Yesterday, Big Red, lovely little Calico and another grey from Hayward were trapped and TNR'd.  Big Red, I found out, had severe ear mites, which caused the wounds behind his ears.  I always thought it was due to fights, but I believe its because of the mites.  They were infested for years.  I remember him shaking his head so violently at one point.  I am so glad they treated him.  I hope to see him out tomorrow morning as he has been released just this morning by Laura.  Lovely little Calico must get adopted soon.  She, and Big Red, are just too sweet to be out on the streets any longer.  Honest, time has not made Big Red mean.  He is very loving with me.  He would make such a wonderful sweet cuddlebug to someone. 

Where Larry was rescued, and where Sparkles hangs, there is a buff colored kitty that has an injury on his back right foot.  I have been observing him for over a week now.  I place food up on the porch, and down on the ground, in case he can't jump, but he has managed.

I wanted to share pictures of cat that I rescued as a kitten from an abandoned house, along with his brother.  He was flea infested and filthy when I got him.  He was soon adopted by a sweet girl who took him home and has been madly in love with him since.  Here is what he looks like today:

I love these happy endings!!


  1. Good job with the TNRs - I'm guessing Laura had a hand in it. So glad Big Red will be more comfortable with his ears treated now. Nancy C.

  2. Love that more trapping's are happening! Yay! Poor Big Red & his ears...happy he's getting sweet relief from that awful pain. And that little baby you rescued sure did grow into a gorgeous adult kitty...look at that tail!!!
