Sunday, October 9, 2011


Its a beautiful sunny fall Sunday morning, and here I am at work - bad girl!  But am so far behind I just need to catch up, and tomorrow it will be running around to my mother's house before work to feed her cats  (Gracie and Benny (#3) both of whom I rescued last winter) while she is in the mountains for Columbus Day weekend with the rest of my fam (yes, that the downside of this, I never get to go anywhere - who will feed the cats?) so no time to blog tomorrow morning!  I did have a really fun evening last night though.  I went to a comedy club with a co-worker and we saw Louis Anderson.  I laughed so hard I was crying.  I needed that.  Everyone needs that kind of laugh.  Seriously, if you haven't laughed like that in a long time, you need to get out and see a comedy act.  Its good for the soul.  I needed it also because of the rock in my stomach feeling because of little Cloe, one of the two girls I rescued over two weeks ago, who was being fostered by someone, and the unneutered young female cat got out and has not been found.  Its been well over a week.  The foster mom has been gone all weekend too, so this is not good.  I am so sick over it.  So, thank you Louie for being there last night!

This morning was pretty typical, except the fear factor was up a notch.  I get scared every once in a while, especially on the weekends.  Statistically there is probably more violence on weekends, and people are partying, doing drugs, jonesing from the drugs, etc., and its dark to boot, so I do get a little scared the first four stops I make.  After that, it gets a little easier, the spots I feed at a little more out in the open.  The first four are kind of tucked away, so if anyone was hiding, they could get me.  I chased away one raccoon this morning.  Little bugger.  And I think I've figured out which cat I will rescue next thanks to a couple who took the last kittens in, and offered to take in one more needy one.  I am going to rescue Midnight, who was not on the list I gave a few posts ago, but she has been coming around and she really is not fit for the street.  I had her neutered a month or so ago, and she is not doing well.  Very tiny, losing weight, and very passive due to the other agressive cats under the tree that I feed at near Miss B's old house.  So, very soon, you will be hearing about Midnight!  Have a great rest of the weekend!!

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