Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I was infuriated after I left my second to last stop on Grand this morning.  I took a picture of the EIGHT cats there, two kittens are included in that number.   I feed them under a tree.  I have rescued at least six there in the past two months.  Now I took Miss B out for a fish fry last Friday, and wound up picking her up about three houses down from where she used to live - she had been visiting an old neighbor, took the bus from the Women's shelter where she is still residing since being illegally thrown out of her rental house.  Anyways, when I knocked on the door, an older gentleman who was blind in one eye answered the door.  Seemed like a nice man, I shook his hand, introduced himself, half joked if he cared to join us.  He didn't, but I told him maybe the next time.  Anyways, I had it in my head that just maybe he would consider me leaving a lean to against his house for the cats to shelter their food at least, so I was sitting writing him a note after feeding on the corner, and drove to his house, started to get out of the car and this woman and her teenage daughter came out of the other door of the house (2 units), and said to me, are you the one who keeps feeding the cats?  I said YES, I AM proudly.  She said I was causing all kinds of problems with these cats in her neighborhood and I wasn't helping one bit.  That the 'pound' should come take them.  I went on a rant - a respective rant - but nonetheless a rant about its not as easy as it sounds, and that the 'pound' is not going to do anything about them.  There are too many.  She started to scuffle off with her daughter, muttering that she would call the 'pound', and I told her she should, and that she needs to start taking care of her own neighborhood!  What she didn't know I mean't was that it should be a neighborhood collaborative and they should be handling these strays together, humanely.  What she was teaching her daughter was certainly not compassion for animals.  Just ignorance, and a hate for people like me helping animals.  I just wanted to shake her.  I don't know how much luck I will have now with this elderly gentleman Wally, and him helping me to shelter these cats for the winter.  I am just beside myself with this situation.  Its my only feeding place I have no shelter for these cats.  Wish I had some suggestions!

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