Monday, August 1, 2011


It was a very very busy past three days. Friday I had off from work and I tend not to get on the computer at home, its SO SLOW. I feel bad, because I can't even remember Friday, but I know stuff happened. I know it rained, because I wound up going back in the afternoon and changing some very soggy food at a few spots. There are a few spots where I leave food under a tree and those were soaked. And it would be long remainder of the day before those cats would eat again, so I thought it best to do. Sunday, Heather set a trap for the remaining baby kitten, and lo and behold, he went into it. I don't know what she does, or what I do, but what she did worked. It was such a relief to me, I would wake in the early hours thinking about that kitten out there all alone, without a mother, or any of the other five siblings we trapped. I am so grateful that little one will not suffer any longer. It will go to the shelter, and then heaven. If I only had more money to treat its sickness, socialize it to sweetness from being semi-feral, and a shelter I could bring it for love,warmth and food, then I could save a lot of cats, leukemia positive or not. But I don't, and I can't. And I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate, so I hope people don't blame me for the occasional times when I have to bring a cat into a shelter. There are just so many out there that are waiting for loving homes. I must save them!

1 comment:

  1. i KNOW.

    But it was the kindest and most caring thing to do. God is smiling.

