Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reality Check

I got a dose of reality and how dangerous it is what I do sometimes when I was getting into my car after setting a trap for the leftover kittens on Pennsylvania, and I found a ID card on the street, and at second glance saw a leather wallet. I picked up, called 911, they met me at my next spot, thanked me and said it was most likely from a robbery that occured the day before at that location. I just keep an extra eye out - the one in the back of my head. I am always keenly aware of my environment before I even open the car door. I have some really great news though, Teenie is a mommy! She had three babies out of her little 9 month old body. They are adorable, and from all reports from Heather, they are all doing well. We are now waiting for Bethany, the kitty we trapped the same day, to have hers. She is pacing, as she went into labor two days ago. Will keep you updated. At the spot where there are THREE remaining kittens, one red, one grey and white, and one tiger, and let me tell you these kittens are still so tiny they can fit in the palm of your hand. Anyways, I set the trap again this morning, but no luck. I don't think the remaining kitties (we've already trapped two) know how to get into the trap. But boy are they hungry. I placed a little dry food down for them after failing to get them on my attempt this morning, and quietly crept back to them while I could see them eating, and they let me get very close. If I only had a big butterfly net, I could have gotten both. One has very infected eyes. They are tiny little things. Its heartbreaking to know they are out there. Haven't seen Mommy in a while. At my last spot, there is an EXTREMELY pregant black cat with a collar around its neck. I really really really need help trapping these cats. I just can't do it myself. I have only so much time to devote to this, I need someone who can pick up after I need to go. There are these three kittens and the one black mommy. I wish someone could step up to the plate and help me! I attach a picture - as blurry as it is, of the little red Pennsylvania kitten. Tomorrow I will have some updates for you! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend!

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