Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fly High Little Birdies

I was sitting in my yard yesterday after work, enjoying the hot and humid air - NOT - having a glass of chardonnay, just listening to the sounds of the birds. It's usually pretty quiet in my hood, even at that time. As I sat there I observed a number of birds fly to my birdbath, and watched them sipping water, taking a dip, and then fly off into the trees. The cardinals would make a little chirp , and they constantly are watching out for their predators, the hawks that like to come for a meal occasionally. I watched these birds soar high up into the sky and go to the tree across the street. I thought how cool it must be to have that power. I would love to fly! To see from that view of everything. I could satisfy my desire to see behind people's houses, as usually the backyards are most people's sanctuaries. If the house looks nice in front, you can bet its even better in the back! Anyways, after a glass of two of wine, I was almost asleep. My days are very long, and by evening, I am so tired I can't keep my eyes open. My friends laugh at me but its true! Try doing what I do each morning at that god-awful time! Today was as is every other day, except no encounters with anyone, unless you want to count the guy pushing his car around the corner of a street that went downhill. Apparently if he could just make the car coast he could start it. I offered help, he looked like he was going to pass out from pushing, but he didn't want it. It didn't work in the long run because I later came back to see if I had any luck trapping the kitten there and get my carrier before I had to go to work, and the car was still there. No luck trapping the kitten - used tuna today. A friend has offered her fishnet, which I will try tomorrow. Have not seen the pretty black pregnant kitty at my last spot. Poppi has been missing for five days now. There is a pretty pregnant female on Second I really want to get. But there are 8 other cats there and I don't know how I would get just her to go in the trap. Bethany did not have any more babies - I wrote yesterday it was believed she had one dead one unborn. But she is well, Teenie is well, everyone is doing great. So, I will go and sit in my back yard again this evening and contemplate. Its what I do best. :)

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