Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Thats the word I say when I don't know what else to say. I do want to say that this past Thursday, I had two wonderful comments expressing differing views of keeping cats as strictly indoor, and I appreciated them greatly. Something happened with Blogger the day after and it wiped out my comments. I am so sorry, and it wasn't me doing it. Its scary to know your stuff can disappear just like that. All your hard work and soul going into a project and its gone, poof, just like that! As far as this morning, it took me an hour after I left the house at 5 am to feed all these babies out there. Lots of wet towels. Its been 40 days 40 nights of rain, thats what it feels like. There were six cats waiting for me at the first spot, Blackie at the second, Poppi and another at the third, Tuffie and two others at the fourth, the black and whites and a tiger at the fifth, no one as usual at the feral spot at the sixth, at least four or five at the seventh, including Teddy who is just so precious, he just lets me stroke him, and just needs to be rescued desperately, I just need some room in my home, and get Barney and Buttons adopted, and finally Red and Copper at the eighth. Attached is Copper's picture. He is such a beautiful cat. At first I thought he was someone's cat because of his beautful fluffy coat and copper eyes, but I stroked him and felt the tangled and wet fur, as he is wet each morning now, and know he is not anyone's cat. So, if anyone knows of anyone that can help me out with a cat or two, it would be wonderful!

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