Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunny Sunday~!
I shoveled, and I shoveled, and I shoveled! I picked up wet frozen towel after another. I did the best I could under the circumstances. The good news is that the tortoise colored kitty (I orginally called it a calico) I managed to grab. I suspected she was pregnant, and thanks to a kind girl who reads my blog, asked me to grab her, she paid for an ultrasound, and found a rescue organization - Anotherchancepetrescue - to take the confirmed mamma in. Yay! So thats very good news. Its so sad to think of a pregnant animal out there, living on the streets, having her babies in the freezing cold and snow. I have now rescued a total of 5 cats in the past two months. I am thrilled about it. I have homes for everyone except for Dexter, who remains a thorn in my home kitties sides. He is very young and playful, and they are old and set in their ways. I continue to try to find a home for my little devil Dexter.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Red and Coco
The weather is supposed to be wet, then snow again. I don't think it will ever end. Hey, where is my optimism? Spring is only a few weeks off, so I know things will look up. But not for the next week, there will be a lot of wet towels to replace! UGGH! Need to start looking for a new washing machine!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Live or Let Die
On a final note, there is a cat at my last spot, she is a calico, and she might be pregnant. I wish I had somewhere to bring her. She must get out of there. I lifted her up by her belly and tried to feel around, and she does seem full there. Help!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wow, What a Weekend!
So, to continue my quest for a female, I grabbed Fluffy this morning! I had no room at the inn for her, but I knew the transport of Fluffy was going to be done this morning, so she stayed in my bathroom for a few hours this morning before she was transported to her new home! I will keep you posted on the outcome of this. I am SO thankful, I was able to save another! Of course I could do this daily almost, but there are no homes for these poor babies so they remain out there in the cruel elements of nature.
Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Mr. Meanie
On another note, there were lots of new faces out this morning. Its warmer out there, not enough to soak all the towels with the snow melt, thank goodness. That will be a lot to deal with, but out come the cats that have been hibernating somewhere. Two beautiful greys greeted me at my third stop. Where do all these cats come from, and how do they survive? There are so many stray cats out there. Also at my third spot, there was a cat in the upstairs window of this abandoned house I feed at, and there were large garbage bags out front. I wonder if someone had removed a board to go in and clean, and closed up the board with a cat that might have snuck in there. Will keep my eye on that. At my last stop, a beautiful friendly calico girl met me, and even allowed me to feel her belly, as she looked a bit swollen in the dark. Where do these poor babies come from. There are so many - and how can they all be 'strays'. There are so many friendly ones! I wish I had an answer!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Back in the Saddle Again
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Good Times Bad Times, You Know I've Had my Share
He even had on one of those rubber or plastic cheap flea collars on. I've seen this little guy, and have even fed him on this street on the side of the road because he wasn't one of the pack that I feed here. I wonder what the circumstances were of his death. Its very very sad. I know the other kitties were wondering that something was going on, and it wasn't good. I know they know. I did the best I could there, and went on my way. Usual suspects out at their spots, no signs of Benny the entire week, although have seen his girlfriend Boo. Not sure where he has gone off to, but I hope he comes back. Red was around this morning at my last spot. Still leery of my after almost having him successfully placed in my carrier for adoption. So sad about that one. He was crying. He really needs a home! The second picture here is of Button, on Second Street. I actually had her on my lap in my car Saturday morning, giving her a great pet, and warming her toes on my lap. She really needs a home too.
I write this today because I felt sick and went to a doctor and am now going to have some medical stuff done - so won't be in the mood for writing the next few days! But I will certainly be out there both mornings, feeding my babies, whether I should be or not! Wish me luck! XO
Friday, February 11, 2011
I apologize for not having much to report today. I've run out of steam. Its been an exhausting week and its taken its toll. There was too much sadness and it sometimes gets the best of my writing ability!
Next week will be better! :) I promise!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Why Dogs Chase Cats

A Virginia Folktale
retold by
S.E. Schlosser
One day, Dog told Cat he was going to work, but instead he hid in the cupboard and watched Cat to see if she really was sick. As soon as Cat thought Dog had left, she started playing games with Kitten. They laughed and ran about. Cat wasn't the least bit sick.
Dog jumped out of the cupboard. When Cat saw him, she stuck a marble in her cheek and told Dog she had a toothache. Dog got so mad at her he started chasing her around and around the house.
Dogs have been chasing Cats ever since.
Speaking of stories - please check out the following website - - this is Gina's, a friend and fellow rescuer's, website. She has written a fabulous children's book that is well worth the read. I envy her talent and fortitude.
There is nothing to report from this morning. No good new, nor bad news. I did see my friend Kenny G. He is a kind man who has lost his way in life. He is always looking for a buck or two, just a lost soul. He reeked of alcohol, and I almost cried for him looking into his eyes. I told him things will look up for him very soon. Spring is just around the corner...
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Action is the Antidote to Despair
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sun, Sand and Surf!

Monday, February 7, 2011
Massive Destruction
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sex, Lies and Videotape!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
O Glorius Sunshine!

- Ailurophilia is the "love of cats."
- The nose pad of a cat is ridged in a pattern that is unique, just like the fingerprint of a human.
- A cat's heart beats twice as fast as a human heart, at 110 to 140 beats per minute.
- Calico cats are almost always female.
- If your cat is near you, and her tail is quivering, this is the greatest expression of love your cat can give you. If her tail starts thrashing, her mood has changed --- Time to distance yourself from her.
- Cats wag their tails when it is in a stage of conflict. The cat wants to do two things at once, but each impulse blocks the other. For example: If your cat is in the doorway wanting to go outside, and you open the door to find it raining, the cat's tail will wag because of internal conflict. The cat wants to go outside, but doesn't want to go into the rain. Once the cat makes a decision and either returns to the house or leaves into the rain, the tail will immediately stop wagging.
- Don't pick a kitten or a cat up by the scruff of its neck; only mother cats can do this safely, and only with their kittens
- Cats knead with their paws when they're happy
- Your cat loves you and can "read" your moods. If you're sad or under stress, you may also notice a difference in your cat's behavior
- A cat will amost never "meow" at another cat. This sound is reserved for humans.
Interesting... very interesting indeed!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Brimstone and Fire!
I want to mention one other thing. A friend of mine told me she couldn't read my blog because it was too sad. I didn't create this blog to create sadness to those who read it. I created it to raise awareness of whats happening in your neighboring neighborhoods while you are cozy in bed with your dog or cat at your feet. I am the type of person who can't even watch the Animal Channel because of some of the sadness, I have to turn the channel when an African beast is chasing another beast for a kill. I know its done for their own survival, but I can't watch anything where an animal will be hurt. I supposed I have hardened my heart after doing this for so many years, but when all is done and I pull up to my house afterwards, I feel good because I know these animals will be just a bit more well fed and a bit more comfortable due to me being there for them. So please don't stop reading my blog because its too sad. Its a good thing!