Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March Madness!

That's my bad Brady.  Such a troublemaker.  Here he is staring at me.  

To begin with, that crazy SOB Maryleigh is back.  She is back and with a vengeance.  This is the woman who has some serious mental issues that I have been dealing with for years and years and years.  She is very mean and spiteful, so it's hard to feel sorry for her.  She has killed kittens and cats and buried them in vacant lots near her house.  The police and Humane Society have paid visits to her many times.  She used to take my shelters, she used to take the cat food, and the containers I left in various spots where I had shelters on Webster near Parsells.  My current location is off Ferndale Crescent close to Goodman.  We started to notice plastic jugs that were cut at the bottom to form a bowl, and inside were mashed potatoes or rice, tuna, and chicken with bones, all sorts of gross things, and she was leaving these inside the shelter I have.  I had left notes saying not to leave chicken bones, as they were killing the cats there,  Not knowing for sure it was this person because I had not seen her in a few years, I finally caught her walking away from there this past week, turned around, followed her, opened window and said Maryleigh, stay away from those cats!  Stop leaving your mushy food!  There were a few other choice things I said and of course, she spits venom when she talks.  She has a very filthy mouth.  Worse than a sailor!  And she was wearing her Freddie Krueger mask that she wears, with a couple more regular Covid masks over that, and she had a hat on so she looked especially strange.

The very next day, we went to the shelter, and she had drilled the board shut so not only could the cats not get in, but it was hard for us to open.  She is very wicked, and I hate involving the police again, and then again, what can they really do.  She is back to her old shenanigans, this morning all the plates and bowls were gone, replaced with her mush, and she puts some kind of pink pill on top as it's crushed up and disintegrated by the time I find it.

So, I am not sure what I am going to do about it, but I would love to catch her.  I wish I had the time to sit there and watch and wait.

In other news, I woke Monday morning at my usual 3:45 am, did my thing, and headed out the door to pick up Christina and Lindsey who help me out occasionally, and as I opened my porch door and looked down, there was a carrier, with a small towel covering the top, and a half bag of Meow Mix.  I thought for sure it was empty.  Who would leave an animal in the dark in the cold outside like that?  But sure enough, it was not just one cat, it was TWO.  I was shocked.  I immediately picked it up, peeked inside, brought it in, got bowls and a litter box, and placed the carrier in the tiny bathroom.  When I opened it, out came a very beautiful pure grey cat, pregnant, and I assume its brother, a very very very fluffy black boy, siblings I believe because of their young age, couldn't be more than one year, very very scared.  Thank God I worked remotely that day, I couldn't bare the thought of leaving these very frightened cats alone in there.  I went in a million times to sit and talk quietly while they jumped every time I opened the door.  Thank God for two people, Kim in Honeoye Falls who is fostering Pearl, and Tamera, my foster on Grand.  Both offered to foster.  I chose Tamera because I have to get these cats vetted ASAP.  

Click on the picture to see closer

I still can't believe that this happened.  Can you?

In the meantime, the other foster kitties are doing well and waiting for a home.  We have Velvet, we have Garcon, and we have Pearl.  And now we have Blacky and Grey!  (gotta pick out names for them!)  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consider fostering and adoption.  Just this very morning, on Grand Avenue, we saw a very young kitten - almost pure white except for two dark ears, starving, skittish.  I jumped out onto the icy street to leave a can of food and some dry.  Poor baby.  I am haunted when I see this stuff.  Please consider fostering.  We can get these babies off the street if you just provide a small room and some love.

Have a great day!


  1. I have Mr. Fluffy Pants thanks to Janine. You won’t ever regret the love that you are given by rescuing one of these poor cats.

  2. I don’t know how you do what you do. You never cease to amaze me. Bless you and your fosters. You are heroes.

  3. Is there any way you can put up a trail cam somewhere so Maryleigh won't see it? If she is putting pills on top of the mush...they could be poisonous. If it is a Tylenol or Nsaid it will kill the cats and kittens. Call the police and have her investigated again. And see if you can find out what type of pill it is. Even putting out bones like that could be construed as animal abuse or intent to harm. I wish I could help but I am elderly and in poor health. When I was younger, I use to do some trapping and rescue. Now it is a struggle to just get through the day...

  4. 🐾❤️ What an inspiring story! Following the adventures of a woman dedicated to feeding and caring for feral and stray cats in the Beechwood neighborhood of Rochester, NY is heartwarming. Join the journey and learn about the power of compassion and community at Discover how one person's efforts can make a significant impact on the lives of our furry friends. 🐱✨
