Thursday, July 8, 2021

Over The Hump Day

Hi Blog.  Its been a whirlwind.  Sooooo many things going on in my life.  Cats and other stuff, but we will stick to cats for now.

So last week, I was driving down Central Park near 7th and there was a car nearly in the road stopped, and the door was open, and you could hear shouting.  Here its 6 am.  I did a few spots, and then I turned around and asked the guy, clearly upset, if he needed the police.  There was a female sitting on the steps by now at a house on the corner.  She was screaming at him.  He said thank you and yes, but no, and said that the woman had broken his key to the ignition and he couldn't start the car.  Meanwhile, she is yelling to me to mind my own $@@$ business.  He shouts back 'at least she cares!'.  I shrugged my shoulders, wished him luck, and drove off slowly while she and I eyed each other.  After I left I thought about this.  To mind my own business.  IF someone had NOT minded their own business, I might not have been as traumatized as I was two years ago when I was attacked one block away.  I distinctly remember standing in the middle of the road while a car was coming, waving my hands, and the car turned onto the street just before where I was standing.  They didn't want to get involved.  I would never do that.  I would always help someone in need.  

Meanwhile, its been a summer for kittens.  While I am trying to get away from this rescue business, I get calls ALL THE TIME from various people -- strangers looking to rehome their cat, strangers that have a stray hanging around and want me to help them find it a home, strangers calling about a cat with kittens on their property, friends who have someone contact them about kittens, friends who have a very pregnant cat and asking if I can take in the cat and kittens under my rescue, me finding kittens at a shelter I feed at, me rescuing kittens left on the street by irresponsible people.....  it just never ends!  I am for sure running out of funds and have not had a fundraiser in years.  On top of that, where I work, its a conflict of interest for me to be part of the ROC the Day, where I used to get a chunk of money that 'helped.'  So much money will go to vetting all these kittens, as they surely get sick, or need wellness checks, and I don't recoup that from the adoption fee.  That leaves me with less to feed the cats on the street, many of them running to me, begging me to get them adopted.  And people that allow a cat to get pregnant and remain pregnant, it boils my blood.  What about the sweet innocents on the street? Kittens grow up!  I understand if the cat is ready to pop, don't get me wrong, its just mind blowing knowing there are so many ignorant people out there allowing 'their' cat outside unneutered/unspayed.  What is wrong with our society.

Whiskers had his surgery on his eyelids Monday, and came out with flying colors, although quite humiliated having to wear his collar.  What do y'all think.  Ha. His foster mom, Kim, is a true foster failure and fell in love and asked to keep him.  Ugh.  Lost another adult foster.  But she is the best mom for him, I couldn't see him with anyone else.  Thanks Kim! xo  And thank you Debbie for funding the surgery for him.  I could never have done it.  xo

These two brats were picked up last week from the street - Grey and Stripe

And this little one - Squeaker - was rescued on Garson.  June saw him while I was placing food, and scooped him up.  He/she came right up to her.  I never could capture his sibling. So sad.  Just four little weeks old.  The cutest things ever.  We have five more in foster with Jenn, and Kristin has two she is fostering.  Then we have another two with a former adopter who rescued these two in a barn.  All can be found on Petfinder.  Check them out and adopt!  Or contact me if you can foster an adult cat from the street.  So worthwhile, really.

Have a great day!

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