I am that crazy cat woman. I reflect almost daily about what an insane life I lead. I get up at 2:45 every day, greet my own cats, turn on the coffee, get myself ready, watch the news for a bit, and head out at 4 am. and drive a few miles from my house to start feeding at 14 different locations in the Beechwood section of Rochester. On average there are about five cats at each of those locations. Some spots I count close to 10, some I count 15. Regardless, its over 100 cats. I go through 30-40 pounds of dry food a day, and way over a 48 count box of canned food. I have shelters at most of these locations to not only shelter the food from storms, but for survival for the cats in the winter months. I have two spots at a local clinic on a weekly basis in the summer months for TNR, trap, neuter and return. I rescue what I can. I am always looking for adopters and fosters to help these cats get off the streets. Most of them are throwaways, strays, and cats that were born out doors, but have come to trust me. All are just plain sick and tired of trying to survive in a very sick and mean world. I don't get a lot of financial help, and it costs me well over $10K per year, in food alone. Not including medical expenses, where it cost me $60 per cat just to have it have spayed and neutered. This does not include treating the many sick that I care for.
This is my reality. I do this every single day of my life, 24/7, no matter what the weather or how I feel. Knock on wood I am fairly healthy. I've been writing this blog since 2008 to try to shed light on what is happening right under out noses. I've shared the good and the bad. I've made a lot of friends, and have had a lot of people reach out to help me. I am so very grateful. I couldn't have made it this long without support. I also realize that this is my choice, no one forced me to look into these cats eyes and just walk away.
I posted this on Facebook this morning. I have been worrying about a kitten I adopted out to a woman back in May that has some serious issues, and it was the biggest regret I've made in a long long time. I didn't know about her issues at the time. I am praying someone can guide me in what to do.
Poppy Birdie and Sparky |
Does anyone know Judy Chipre Cowan? I have been struggling with what to do about a situation. I adopted a kitten named Sparky out to her in May of this year. Sparky was a bit over two months at the time, and unneutered. Judy signed an adoption contract that stated she must get him neutered before six months. Judy has not been the most friendliest or cooperative adopter, actually, she has been hostile with me since day one. She is now not returning my messages when I inquire about Sparky. I hate confrontation. I don't know what to do. I do know where she lives. Which is not far from me. Again, I am not good at confrontation. I have this fear that something has happened to Sparky. What would you do?
Is this like one of the most photogenic cats you've ever seen? Then again, aren't all cats? :) Smudge, also rescued from Melville Street, and adopted out to a wonderful family, is at it again. Here she is in all her glory. So pretty! She should be a model!
Smudge, the Smudgster |
I have tomorrow off, thank God. My job is extremely (and I am not exaggerating the word 'extremely') stressful these days. I really need to win the lottery.
Have a good day.
“I believe that imagination is
stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are
more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That
laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than
Since the woman signed a contract and has not fulfilled the stipulations of the contract, perhaps you could contact the lawyer helping you with the tax-exempt status and get some ideas from him. Would local animal control help with this situation if you told them that you fear for the animal's safety and welfare? Not very brilliant suggestions on my part...but short of asking the police to go with you to the house to confiscate the animal...I don't know what else you could do that isn't going to cost a lot of money in legal fees.
ReplyDeleteI would very politely call her and tell her you're contacting your attorney unless she surrenders the animal immediately. She hasn't fulfilled her end of the contract so she's in default. There's not much animal control will do unless you have proof the cat's in danger. I would also call 311 and ask them what you could do. Did she pay you any money?
DeleteI hate confrontation too. If you're afraid for Sparky's well being, then I'd agree with the above responses. That sucks though, poor Sparky. Hope he's ok. :(
ReplyDeleteYou might want to call the humane society cruelty number. When you tell them what happened, they may be able to send someone to that woman's house. I don't know for sure if they'd be willing to but if you tell them you're afraid for the cat's safety they might.