Boy thats the truth! Can't say that about cats! Not much happening out there this morning. I am always sure to give each kitty that crowds around my legs as I am placing food down a good pat and scratch. Big Red was there this morning, and boy does he know me. All I need to do is pet him, and he just intertwines in between my legs for more. He doesn't even care about the food. I wish I could save that guy.
I have to get updates on some of the kitties I've adopted out lately. And get pictures up. My sweet friend Jessica is trying to find another website I can use for this blog, because I am having a hard time with the pictures - I can download them, but they stay a tiny size, and when you do use the options of making them larger, they are blurred. This website never used to do that, but for some reason it changed and I can't figure it out, and I have some great pictures to share, but you just can't really see them! So if anyone has a solution, please tell me!
I have an opportunity to save one more this weekend, from my first spot, a pretty little thing that is practically skeletal. Skin and bones. I hope he/she comes along without a fuss. Thanks to Nancy, whose heart is huge, and she just wants to save every kitty, but I have to remind her she can't, but she says she has room for one more, so I will let her do it! :)
I am off to Newark today, an affiliate of the hospital I work for. Its about an hour drive, and not fun if it were snowing, but its ok for today. I will be there today, tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday so depending on the weather and me leaving early due to weather, I may or may not be able to post. So stay tuned, and lets hope what I write is of more interest to you! I am boring myself to death this morning with this post! :) Have a great day!
I think that you should download them to a Flickr account then just post the link on this blog.