I am very upset and disappointed this morning. I had a very rare appointment scheduled for a TNR at the clinic - Trap, Neuter and Return this morning. I first started at Second Street, where I did have a successful TNR a few months back. They were just not interested. I used some very nice, smelly sardines in oil - but they just weren't falling for it. Perhaps I've used the trap around them too many times and they are getting wise. I had just successfully got a kitten there yesterday. But this morning, there weren't too many of them around. I then went to the Central Park cats. Where Benny, Whitey, and seven other cats live. I sat there from a distance as I saw a cat go in and out and eat the sardines, but the trap didn't close. Are these cats smart or what? He obviously walked right around the part where if you apply pressure, the door will slam shut.
He/she went in there twice! After driving around for at least 20 minutes, back and forth to see if I was successful, I packed up, and went to my third and final spot, Hayward Avenue, where I have had great success in the past, and have adopted/adopted out at least 6 cats so far. Jack being the latest. Well, by this time, it was past the time I should have been home changing and getting work. Unfortunately, the sweet female pit bull was loose, so she was out sniffing the trap with the smelly sardines! Well, I got up the courage to get out and coax her back to her house, knocked on the door, where this HUGE man came out to claim her. She was pregnant, but he promised me she was not being bred for fighting. Her name is Miami. He told me the other dog got out, the male, and it always happens on garbage pickup day. I told him the dog was hindering my ability to successfully trap one of the cats here, especially the one with half its neck gone. Well, after several attempts to drive around and come back, still nothing. I had to pack up. I know I am a huge disappointment for Habitat for Cats due to the few coveted appointments they are allowed, but what can I do.