Since I last posted, I have spent thousands of dollars, literally, on kittens and cat food. Since last week, I have spent $300 on cat food feeding the many cats that I feed in the Beechwood section of Rochester. That $300 will last one week. That includes wet and dry food. I don't have fundraisers any more, so I am not receiving many donations. I am so grateful to those that send me monthly donations. It sure helps. My pot is dwindling.

Tiny, part of Tuesday's litter, started acting lethargic Sunday morning. His Foster Mom Estelle was concerned and I said lets wait a day and see if it clears up. It didn't, she took his temp and it was 104. I made an appointment at Pittsford Animal Hospital and he was given fluids and antibiotic and sent home. That was $150. I am waiting for an update this morning from Estelle. He is only 1 pound and very fragile. I had to break the news to his adopter, who is also adopting George, the last of the litter. UPDATE: Thanks to Foster Mom Estelle for administering lots of love to Tiny, this morning his temp is 101.7. Within the normal range! Yay!
Freddie, also part of Tuesday's litter, was adopted by a loving family along with his brothers Ringo and Mick, and sister Starr. He also came down with a virus where he was lethargic and had a temp of 105.7 which is very high for a kitten, or a person for that matter. He was rushed to the emergency clinic in Brighton where he was treated ($250), and brought home. He still wasn't quite right so I made an appointment at Pittsford Animal Hospital where he was sent home with fluids to be administered ($150). UPDATE: Today, his new dad reports "We unleashed Hurricane Elton (his new name) on the house and he is having a blast being back to normal with his brothers and sister. Making up for lost time."
A month or so ago I received a call from a woman in Long Island who told me her mother had a cat that had kittens on her porch, and would I take them in. I have no idea why she reached out to someone in Rochester, but I made the mistake of saying yes, and now have seven 5 week old kittens. The woman drove from Long Island yesterday to deliver them. Thanks Foster Mom Sue for taking them in. Here is the pic from yesterday. No names yet.
I mean it when I say, this is it. I am done with kittens. I just can't do it anymore.
Both Titos and Percy had a meet and greet with a sweet girl and they are being adopted together!
Tiny and George are also being adopted together.
As adorable as kittens are, they grow. Its the grown ones that have strayed due to human recklessness, and those are the ones I feed. Plus ferals and others, but this is testimony to the many older kittens out there that just need human love. I received the following from a couple that adopted Honey, the less than a year old buff tiger male that used to follow me back to the truck on Parsells at 4 am. Over and over. Finally, I asked Foster Janessa if she would consider taking him - I told her it wouldn't be long before he was adopted. I got him into the vet for neuter, shots, etc, and off he went. I must have received 20 adoption applications for him but this couple won me over. Janessa had him for maybe one week and had already fallen in love.
I reached out to get an update on him:
"Thank you for checking in - we hope you are well!
Everything with Honey is perfect - he has been re-christened as Truman, and we love him dearly. He is social, energetic, playful, and affectionate. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect addition to our home.
We took him in for the last of his booster shots several weeks ago, and he has his first meeting with our local vet this Monday. He has been eating well, and looks quite happy and healthy.
Thank you for the opportunity to adopt him - we are so grateful that Elsie and I can give him a forever home."
That's what its all about!
UPDATE: Last but not least, I am looking for a foster for 3-4 kittens. My sister reached out to me for help. Yup, and what did I say. I am never doing kittens again. Hopefully she will take them until I can find the perfect fit.
Have a great day!