Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hump Day! Woo Hoo!

CLICK on PICS to see up close!


Well, little B-Mama went back to the streets - Sid and Johnny's Auto on Bay Street, to her remaining baby there, that just won't let me get her.  I set a kitten trap this morning before letting mama go, but no luck.  Poor thing.  Her sibs are doing great, I held them this weekend at their foster home.


Caesar from Second and Central was also let back after spending an uncomfortable night in the trap on my porch.  He cried the whole time.  Ate like a champ, so did B-Mama, but boy do they get uncomfortable in those traps.  Its so hard letting them go.  Caesar had a couple of wounds so he got a shot of convenia while getting neutered.

Spencer before rescue

Spencer was brought to the vet yesterday.  Extremely jaundiced, and as the doctor said, he is very sick.  We are trying him on new medicine - Prednisolone, along with an appetite stimulant, and will then regroup on Friday.  He lost two pounds.  He is down to just over 7 pounds now.  I had to keep him separated when I brought him home to see if he eats.  This morning, he was crying at the door.  He ate a little and then went back to his perch.  He isn't moving around too much.  He definitely isn't feeling well.  Meanwhile, I went to the store this morning in search of every different chicken wet food I can find that he might like.   They even make these tiny pouches now with real chicken.  This rescue from Pennsylvania and Second was a happy one for me.  I knew he was going to be someone's angel.  But it didn't turn out that way - two potential adopters turned him down - so now he is my angel.


I saw quite a few unspayed/unneutered cats out this morning.  I need to take inventory, and really could use some help.  We can't have any more babies being born.  I am getting worried about the one Parsells location as I don't have shelter on this porch of the vacant house, where my shelters were all trashed by a property management company early this year.  There are over 15 cats that I am feeding at this one spot.  When they get spooked, you should see them all come flying off that porch.  This is also where there are two unspayed/unneutered older kittens that I couldn't trap, due to the large number of cats here.  I did get their mama spayed a month or so ago.

There is also so much glass out there.  Poor little guy on Short Street is limping.  The weather is turning soon, and I need to build up my shelters.  I could really use the help.

(named Bruno when I grabbed him to be neutered earlier this summer)

There is a girl just waiting for me to rescue a kitty so that she can foster one - her name is Kim.  What a rare gem it is to find a foster.  I was going to do it this morning, but letting these two TNR's back out, and with Spencer's illness right now, I just couldn't do it. I am planning to on Saturday morning though.  I think I have just the one too.  From Baldwin and Grand.  Peanut needs to be removed from this location because he is extremely hungry//needy, pushes Blackie #2 around and Blackie does not like it.  There will be a fight sooner or later.  I trip over Peanut from the minute I get out of the car to the back of the dark lot when I place the precious wet food down.  He's gotta go.  Its one of my more harder feeding locations.  I am going to break my leg tripping over him sooner or later!

Have a great day!

"To foster an animal is a great gift and act of kindness.  The animals hold a special place in your heart and you make a world of difference in their lives!"

1 comment:

  1. Hello! New to this blog and I want to say what a great job you are doing. I used to take care of a handful of colonies and I live in the hood so I hear you loud and clear regarding the apathy and hatred of these lovable little angels. Right now I have started reading this blog from the beginning and it is heart breaking. I have made it through 2013.

    I am not sure what is wrong with your little Spencer, I haven't read up on him yet, but you said you are looking for chicken foods to feed him. Have you tried Gerbers #2 chicken baby food? Some call it kitty crack.
