Thursday, November 11, 2010


As I drove up to the area where I feed Benny, Whitey and others on Central Park in the dark, walking towards me was a woman, and a man, but you could tell they weren't together, coming at me from different directions. I had already turned off the car and lights, but I started up the car, started driving toward them, rolled down my window and told them "hey, I am only trying to feed the cats, I have no money" to which point they turned around and started to go on their way. I did a u-turn and started to make my way back when I stopped and asked the guy, told him he was very good looking, and why is he out here doing this? I told him I could get him a job at the hospital if he wanted one, he laughed and said he just needed fifty cents to get a cab ride, or could I give him a ride to Norton Street. I told him 'look where we are, do you think I could trust anyone? I would love to trust him, and I am a kind person, but you just never know'. He was actually very nice, the few things he said to me. You can tell, the hooker, and him, they were definitely jonesing for something, their next fix. I really do care for these people. I would love to help people get their acts together. I wish I had the resources to do it. On another note, I reported a dog abuse once again, at the same location as I did early this year - a puppy pit bull tied to the back of the house, on dirt, no food or water, on a very hot morning. This time I heard a muffled dog bark where I feed on 7th Street, where a garage from 8th Street backs up to. I drove to 8th, got out and listened in the silence. I heard the dog sniffing and he was shut in this garage of this god-forsaken house. I called 311 but they told me I had to call Humane Society, so I did. Now I wait for a return call like I asked for. They need more help. What is wrong with Rochester that we can't fund for more officers for this type of work.

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