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BayLEE |
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BAYLEE, the very sick kitty on Bay Street that I rescued Sunday morning, went to the another vet yesterday, where HE (yes, already neutered too) was given a shot of convenia, given some ear medicine, drontal and revolution, and was prescribed to come back in 14 days for a recheck. It was determined that he was between 8-10 years of age. An MRI was suggested IF and WHEN the 14 days are up and he doesn't seem to be doing any better. I can tell you this. He is a SWEETHEART. AND, he doesn't appear to have any aggression toward the other cats. I've got to find him a home, along with Cookie, who might have to be the only feline in the home.
His vet bill Monday was $90. Yesterday's bill was $85. This money comes right out of my pocket, from my measily paycheck. Keep in mind, most established rescues have a fund they dip into for medical procedures that are funded by donations. Grants. I don't have that luxury. I am paying for all of this on my own. I appreciate every cent I get from the few who regularly donate to me. But otherwise, I am broke from doing 'rescue'. Thats rescue PLUS feeding over 30 pounds of dry food a day, and 30 pounds of wet food also. AND getting up at 3 am. to go out in the dark and feed over 70 cats waiting for their only meal all at various locations, each and every day.
Someone suggested a GOFUNDME account for Baylee. I am NOT good at starting things that would benefit me, nor do I have time to do it. I have been disappointed in the past when I have tried to do stuff like this. Not sure how this would be any different. But it was a good suggestion. And I have a hard time asking for money. Period. :(
Birdie and Poppy, the last of the five kitten litter, have yet to be adopted, but were spayed yesterday, and were running around the house this morning like little hellions. They are adorable.
Please save the date! September 17th is the third annual Meow & Chow! :)
Thanks to those that are reading this. Its not always good news, but its all I've got.
Have a great day.
- I promise I will take your unwanted animals.
- I will heal their wounds, their diseases, their broken bones.
- I will give them the medical attention they need and deserve.
- I will nurture their starvation and give them a warm place to sleep.
- I will spay and neuter them, vaccinate them against the diseases that can harm them.
- I will treat them and honor them.
- I will buy them toys, blankets, balls and teach them to play.
- I will speak softly to them.
- I will try to teach them not to fear, not to cry and not to hate.
- I will whisper sweet, kind, gentle words into their ears, while gently trying to stroke their fear, their pain and their scars away.
- I will face their emotional scars and give them time to overcome them.
- I will socialize them, potty train them, teach them to be obedient, show them dignity
- I will hold their paws and stroke their ears if they have endured too much and walk them over the Rainbow Bridge....
Did they scan him? I posted a comment on yesterdays blog as I dont even know what day it is anymore! Was playing catch up.